Surgical Treatment for Achalasia of the Esophagus
Achalasia is a rare esophageal movement disorder. Although the exact cause is unknown, it manifests itself with difficulty in swallowing. Difficulty in swallowing occurs first against liquid and then solid foods. Patients who have difficulty in eating in the following process lose weight.

Achalasia Surgery Diagnosis
Diagnosing the disease can be difficult, doctor needs to listen patient’s story. Esophagus appears enlarged in endoscopic examination, especially in advanced cases. X-rays are taken after patient drinks a chalky liquid that coats and fills the inside lining of his/her digestive tract. If the painted esophageal x-ray is taken, an enlarged and thinned esophagus like a bird’s beak appears at the junction of the stomach.

Achalasia Surgery Treatment Process
Because lower esophageal sphincter pressure reaches high values, Solid and liquid nutrients cannot be easily transferred to the stomach. The diagnosis of achalasia is confirmed with high-resolution manometry.
There are three different methods of achalasia treatment. The first is pneumatic dilation. A balloon is inserted into the esophageal sphincter and inflated to enlarge the opening. This outpatient procedure may need to be repeated. The second is Botox (botulinum toxin type A). This muscle relaxant can be injected directly into the esophageal sphincter with an endoscope. The injections may also need to be repeated. The third option is laparoscopic surgery. The surgeon cuts the muscle at the lower end of the esophageal sphincter to allow food to pass more easily into the stomach. The surgeon can also apply a method called Fundoplication to prevent possible reflux complaints. According to studies, there is a 96 percent success rate in 5-6 years.